Today, it is rainy and windy again. But what was happy for us was that on leaving for Tanjouji Temple, the rain decreased and wind got little bit calmer. After about 20 minutes ride on the bus, we were invited to go through a couple of buildings of Tanjouji Temple. The temple was constructed about 170 years ago. We heard that the word "tanjo" means "to be born" and "ji" means "a temple." This temple is said to be constructed because the Holy Priest Nichiren was born in 1222. He created one flow of Buddhism. The Japanese emperor's family also seems to contribute many thing to that temple, so that we could see many precious things inside there. They also had the largest roof plate in the world which weighs more than 2000 kg. They told us that it is resistrated on the Guineas Book, too. On our way go back to Katsuura Campus, we took some look on some souvenir shops nearby. 今日は再び雨が降り,風の強い日です。でも幸運なことに誕生寺に向かって出発するころには雨もおさまり、風も穏やかになりました。20分ほどバスに乗ってから私達は誕生寺の建物の中を案内されました。この寺は170年前に建てられました。この寺は1222年に日蓮上人の誕生を祝って建てられました。彼は仏教のひとつの宗派を創始した人です。日本の皇室もこの寺にはいろいろな寄付をしているようで、,私達は多くの貴重なものを見ることができました。お寺には世界最大の鬼瓦もあり、2000キロ以上あり、ギネスブックにも載っているそうです。勝浦へ戻る途中に近くのお土産やさんに立ち寄りました。 |
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