Oct. 28, 1999
World School International Forum '99


Before we arrived in Japan we were expecting something like dormitories, however, against our expectation, instead of dormitories, there was a marvelous hotel, like a resort!

The home stay was also good too (actuality more then good!). We had a marvelous time experiencing traditional Japanese baths and foods and listening to a foreign language was interesting to. Today we are preparing for the exhibits and we are looking forward to the performances tomorrow.

Yang Chung High School, Seoul



Right when we arrived in Japan, we noticed the virtues of the Japanese people; they are punctual effective and very polite. And the second thing, which is a fact in Japan and Tokyo: if you want to travel by train, you have to hang nearly outside.....so many commuters!

hat about the hostfamilies.... they already had food on the table. We didn't even have to say that we were hungry. Marvelous, really!


@ 日本人の良いところは、時間に正確で、とても丁寧。
A 日本とくに東京の電車は、人が外にあふれ出るほどの大混雑。


食べ物が既にテーブルの上にあって、お腹が空いたと、言う必要がなかった。 これは本当に信じられない!

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