Oct. 29, 1999
World School International Forum '99

We came back from our homestay families today. Most of the homestay families took the delegates to restaurants, museums and even in some cases, to Tokyo Disney Land. Everyone had a wonderful time. As we had requested the brave delegates tried all sorts of Japanese food, even if at first it appeared very strange to them. "It's important to try everything" said one student.

Today we finished setting up all the exhibits which introduced people to the countries and lifestyles in each of the participating countries. In the computer room we had a live chat session where students from the United States and Australia joined in with the participants who are visiting Japan. We also set up a live video/audio connection with students in South Africa!

Oh! I forgot to tell you! We were on the six o'clock news on Japanese National Broadcasting Service last night.

私達は今日ホームステイをしたホストファミリーのところから帰って来ました。ホストファミリーの方達は、私達を東京ディズニーランド、博物館や素敵なレストランにつれていってくれました。みんな素晴らしいひとときを過ごしたようです。私達は日本の食事を希望しましたが、私達からみると不思議な ものがテーブルにでてきました。一人の子が「試すことが大事だよ」と言い、みんなで食べることができました。



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