November 1 (Thu)


"Let Me Hear You! (3)"

This morning we continued with our seminar. In small groups, we discussed different aspects within the topic of social and personal development.

In the afternoon, some students of Okitsu Junior High School came to our place and showed us some Japanese games, sports and customs.

In the evening, all World School participants took part in a traditional Japanese Festival. We had the chance to taste traditional food and to listen to Japanese music.

November 1, 2000
by Jan Jansen
(Rheine , Germany)


"Let Me Hear You! (2)" - Oct. 31
"Let Me Hear You! (1)" - Oct. 30
"Second Day" - Oct. 29
"International Festival" - Oct. 28
"Meet Our Host Families" - Oct. 27
"World School Visits Junior High School" - Oct. 26
"Opening Ceremony" - Oct. 25
"The World is Coming!" - Oct. 24

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